Kamis, 15 November 2012

- this -

Awards are so unnecessary, because I think we get so much out of our work just by doing it. The work is a reward in it self.

~ Natalie Portman ~

Kamis, 08 November 2012

Green Landing Project in Aiesec LC Nanjing

This is about the project.

【Green Landing 】is a project about environmental protection.
It aims to increase people's awareness of concerning our living environment and strike an effort to make our planet a better place.
We accomplish our goal by holding a competition between middle school students (senior high school) on making a propasal to protect our environment. That is, these middle school students shall work as a team and design a propasal on a certain topic to protect our environment. Then we shall hold a local propasal competition to choose the best propasal. Local winner can paticipate in the national competition in Shanghai.

Here our activities.. :)

--> At the class..

 Dennish in action

 Bahrain's Girl as EP guest

Plant Time :) 

It's me :p

The kids presentation :D

So, I can learn a lot from my project. They're all great and clever. They had much of creativity, funny things, LOL ! They've gave me a lot of precious experience, A LOT !!!!!! :))

Rabu, 07 November 2012

1st Week of Journey in Nanjing China

Okay, actually I really interested in children and environment for choosing my project area. When I followed my 1st interview for 'Dare to Dream' project in China, I'm failed. Then I got it for my 2nd interview for Green Landing project in Aiesec LC Nanjing, MoC. I really excited when I got it. :D

I went to Nanjing at June 30 2012. I went there for one-time transit. Here the route.

Jakarta (Indonesia) --> Guangzhou (China) --> Nanjing (China) 

From Jakarta to Guangzhou, It's about 5 hours. And It has time differences between Jakarta and China (in China +8 GMT). And Guangzhou to Nanjing, It's about 2 hours. I took China Shoutern Airlines for my flight. I arrived in Nanijing at 8 pm (Nanjing's time). I went to Nanjing by myself but in Guangzhou I met another Aiesecer from LC UI and Unbraw.

Joanna as Team Member (Green Landing project) picked me up in nanjing International Airport. It was big rain outside. We have to go to Joanna's house. I really shocked for the Nanjing's climate at night. I thought that when the night, It could be cold, but actually hot-reaaaaaaaaaalllllyyyyy hot and extra humid !!!! *.*

1st day in Nanjing, I stayed in Joanna's house. Joanna's mother and the kitty was soooooooooo kind, cute, lovable. Uuunnncccchhh, I miss them all !!

For the next days, I stayed in Aiesec LC Nanjing's office.

 Living room at Aiesec LC Nanjing's Office with Tan Sean & Boris

My room at Aiesec LC Nanjing's Office

My activities in the 1st week in Nanjing, I had to prepare my lecture for my project (Green Landing project). We are 3 EP (Exchange Participan) for this project. They're Alfina (I'm from Indonesia), Dana Berdauletova (Russian) & Dennish Hung Po (Taiwannese). Katherinne as Team Leader from this project. Joanna, Adeline, Zack and Valerie as Team Member.


 Dana, Dennish and Me :D

This is about our Green Landing project.

【This year's topic of propasal competition】
How to save Energy ?
This year, students shall write propasals about saving daily energy, they need to carefully think about their lifestyle and think of a way to save energy in their daily life. For example, how to save electricity or water in a smart way.

We made a lot of lectures and prepared about energy saving including water saving, electricity saving and oil saving. Then we teach about that and how to make proposal prepare the presentation and go compete the competition.

Then in the 1st week, I joined Aiesec GCDP MoC Conference in Shanghai for 3 days. And I went there with Tommy (USA), Asel (Kyrgiztan) & Emilie (Malta) took the train about 2 hours. I really love the conference. I got a lot of friends from whole country, knowledge, experience, situation and more precious things. MoC you're rooooooooccckkkk !!

Together with Zaenab, Ali (Bahrain) and Sweden's Boy :p 


When we presenting about our Wonderful Indonesia

And exploring Shanghai. Wohoooo !!!

Love and miss it ! :D

Selasa, 06 November 2012

I believe in My Big Dreams ! ( A LOT)

Well, gue punya banyak dreams yang selalu gue catat di buku impian. Singkatnya kemarin gue abis exchange ke China melalui program Aiesec. Dan China ini adalah negara yang ada dalam impian gue sewaktu gue SMP. Pas SMP gue mikir kenapa ada pepatah yang berbunyi gini, "Tuntutlah ilmu sampai negeri China". Emang ada apaan sih di China?

Firstly, I didn't believe that I got everything in my life from Aiesec exchange programe. How lucky I am I thought.

During in China, I joined Aiesec MoC (Mainland of China) GCDP Converence in Shanghai. It was about 3 days.

And did my project about green environment. So, I became a volunteer for teaching some student in senior high school in Nanjing Province.

I stayed there about 6 weeks. It was unbelievable moment.

Senin, 23 Juli 2012

Gimme more 23 !

Tanggal 23 sekarang, dan sudah dua puluh tiga bulan waktu yang gue jalanin bareng Eza.

     Tanggal 23 Agustus 2010 adalah tanggal happy gue sama Eza. Dan gue sebenernya rada nggak percaya juga sih bisa sampai sekarang ini. Rada kesel juga sebenernya sama Eza yang sabarnya keterlaluan. Okay, gue lagi pengen cerita tentang gimana gue bisa ada di ketek-nya Eza. Eh, kebalik.. Eza yang ada di ketek gue ! :p


     Jadi nih, Eza dateng sebagai penggemar (pede amat lo, Fin) yang sok cool kayak kuda Cut Nyak Dien di kehidupan gue pas itu. 'Gimana bisa sok keren?' Pasti ini adalah pertanyaan yang ada di pikiran lo semua.
     Suatu malam di tahun 2010, sekitar jam 10 malem lewat gue dapet sms dari orang tak di kenal. Biasanya kalau kasus semacam begini nggak pernah gue bales. Tapi kali ini gue bales. Eza pas itu jadi orang yang beruntung.
Ez  :  Assalamu'alaikum..
Fi   :  Wa'alaikumsalam Wr. Wb.
Ez  :  Bu Haji ya?
Fi   :  Maaf, ini siapa ya?
Ez  :  Kalo gw kasih tau, paling lo juga nggak tau gw siapa.

Disini gue nge-batin. Gue rasa dia kontestan Akademi Pelawak Indonesia yang nggak lolos. Atau habis ter-ekstradisi dari Penghuni Terakhir, entahlah. LOL :p Dan gue bales..
Fi   :  Oh, yaudah.
Ez  : Gw Reza, temennya Boy.

HAHAHAHA, gue ngakak parah sampai bagian ini. See, nggak pengen ketinggalan moment banget kan do'i.

     Okay, gue adalah tipe orang yang love at the first sight. Itu kelemahan gue. Gue merasa klik sama Eza pas dia pertama kali dateng ke kosan dengan alibi barter bahan materi UAS, saat itu kita semester 2, 14 Juni 2010. Fotocopy bahan kesana kemari walaupun gue belum mandi. Gue nggak tau apa yang ada di pikiran gue karena gue belum mandi, yang jelas gue klik. Cukup jelas.
     Selalu aja ada bahan alasan buat kita bersua saat itu. Sampai akhirnya hari yang gue tunggu pun datang. Yap, emang gue nunggu buat kepastian. Nggak enak banget ngejalanin hal yang pake hati dan nggak pasti. Konsisten dan kesabaran Eza yang nggak ada matinya.

Thanks for caring me all the time, everywhere.


Minggu, 22 Juli 2012

Greetings !

Hi, long time no write in this socmed. I miss so damn much. But, actually there're so many changes of blogger now. LOL.

Let me try to post every moments. :p